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The Glass Issue Number 27, Spring 2015
– mailed to members

Early Modern Christianity and the Problem of Religious Violence

John Coffey

Remembering the Lord God of Hosts, with Kipling, Owen and Derrida
Valentine Cunningham

‘Send forth lightning’: morality, mimesis and rhetoric in the Great War
Roger Kojecký

Biblical Archetypes in Katherine Anne Porter’s Pale Horse, Pale Rider
Jewel Spears Brooker

Lost (and Found) in a Textual World: The Experience of Reading the Bible
and David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest
Richard Briggs


Alister McGrath, C.S. Lewis: A Life
Alister E. McGrath, The intellectual world of C.S. Lewis
John Carey, The Unexpected Professor: An Oxford Life in Books
Anthony C. Swindell, Reforging the Bible: More Biblical Stories and their Literary Reception
Tanya Agathocleous, Urban Realism and the Cosmopolitan Imagination in the Nineteenth Century: Visible City, Invisible World

Poems by David Barratt

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Christian Literary Studies Group: in association with the Universities & Colleges Christian Fellowship


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